
I’m not really sure if anyone who reads this post knows what misophonia is but it’s a neurological disorder. I don’t usually write about anything like this but I’ve come across so many people who think it’s a joke that I feel like writing it down may make me feel a little better. Misophonia can’t be helped and it triggers emotions that really can’t be put into words. Ever since I could remember, I’ve suffered from misophonia. I know it’s hard to understand and most people brush it off as me being crazy or hostile but it’s something I just can’t shake. It has caused many problems for me, I find it very difficult to sit with my family at dinner and when I hear any sound that triggers me I have to leave the room to cry or prevent myself from crying. I don’t think this disorder gets enough attention for being as tough as it is. I have taught myself to ignore as much as I can but there are definitely times where I’d rather be deaf than hear what angers me. I know the people around me aren’t trying to annoy or upset me but the emotions that I feel around them because of this hurts our relationships and my feelings toward them become very negative. Imagine sitting across someone you love and focusing more on wanting to run away from them than to be around them while they innocently chew. The worst is when ignorant people tell me to “get over it” because they have no idea how it feels. If you ever notice someone tense up or look upset because of the way things sound… just know it’s a real disorder and it can be very tough and emotional. Please respect this condition like you would any other. There are people in this world who suffer in silence but those with misophonia suffer without it. 
Does anyone else suffer from this? Do you have any tips or tricks to help?

8 thoughts on “Misophonia 

  1. I’m so sorry you have issues with this. Being highly sensitive to sound can utterly be mind blowing. I have issues with loud sirens from a head on collision 25 years ago. It’s mind boggling to think that simple sounds can send out triggers when we don’t want to be triggered. My hope for you is that you can be soothed with simple, soft music, and simply enjoy the sound of birds in the early morning. I emphasize with you and what you have to deal with. I am suggesting you listen to music by Amy Camie – She’s a harpist friend of mine. http://www.amycamie.com/magicmirrorreflections.html
    Her CD The Magic Mirror has been documented to help heal soldiers with PTSD, brain injuries and traumas of anxiety. I hope this can help you. Praying for you.

  2. I have never heard of it to be honest but I know people would probably brush it off. This world has become so raw and inconsiderate I find. With all my conditions including just grief people just want me to “get over it” so only in that aspect do I understand your annoyance with people.

    • Yeah it’s brutal to be honest. People just think I’m acting or being crazy when they have no idea what it feels like. Thanks for reading and understanding in the way that you could 💕💕

  3. You aren’t alone. I was diagnosed with Misophonia last year and constantly feel like I have to defend myself and the disorder. I have lost friends because I call them out when they make fun of it or when they claim to have it and don’t.

    It is to the point where I have my official diagnosis paper scanned and in my phone in case someone says well it’s no an official diagnosis or that I am making it up.

    I can’t stress enough investing in a good pair of headphones or earbuds. I have the Bragi Dash and though they are expensive I can’t function without them now when out in public. I have Beats Studio for home since they are over the ear. Both have noise cancelling.

    • It’s crazy isn’t it? I feel like this world is now so educated to sympathize with everything but for one reason or another this just doesn’t make sense to a lot of people. I literally hold resentment towards people i love over it and it freaks me out. I’m sorry you’re dealing with it too, I know how it feels and how horrible it can be. I have headphones and earbuds but Ive never worn them out in public. When I go to restaurants I literally have to move tables when someone near me is making a sound that triggers my anger. I’ll try bringing earbuds with me next them. Thanks for taking time to give me some advice on how I can better cope with this. xx

  4. Sayre is right. You are not alone. I suffer from misophonia since 8 years and I know how it feels. I have exactly the same problem as you do. I can’t stand chewing sounds while someone eats. Especially if they are my loved ones. I just wanted to say that if you come across any solution, any cure, let me know. I’m tired of spending hours in washroom, crying!

  5. I have mild misophonia and I find fire sounds (especially the crackling) and guitar music really calms me. I just had a misophode which is why I’m listening to Seafret right now. They’re amazing you should check them out. Hope this helps, everyone is different xx

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